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Card Mix

The combination of cards you accept on any given month is called your “Card Mix”. This monthly combination will always be different, but let’s assume for a minute that you accept 1000 transactions with a total sales amount of $40,000 one month, and 1000 transactions with a total sales amount of $40,000 the next. In this case your “Effective Rate” should be exactly the same, right?

Wrong, but why?

It doesn’t make common sense. Your transactions and sales are EXACTLY the same from one month to the next. Here’s why. As I covered in the Interchange Fee section, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express have hundreds of different card types, each with their own individual fixed rates. You mean a Visa isn’t just a Visa and a Mastercard isn’t just a Mastercard, that’s exactly what I mean. Let’s use this example.

As part of your Card Mix in July you accept:


50 MC World Elite transactions
$5,000 in total sales on this type of card
2.50% + 0.10 cents = Per transaction Interchange Fees for MC World Elite cards
$130 = Total Interchange Fees for MC World Elite cards in July

100 VI-US CPS/Small Ticket transactions
$5,000 in total sales on this type of card.
1.60% + 0.05 cents = Per transactions Interchange Fee for VI-US CPS/Small Ticket cards
$85 = Total Interchange Fees for VI-US CPS/Small Ticket cards
Total July Fees on these cards = $215

Now in August lets flip the number of transactions on each type of card but leave the total sales amount the same and see what happens.


100 MC World Elite transactions
$5,000 in total sales on this type of card
2.50% + 0.10 cents = Per transaction Interchange Fees for MC World Elite cards
$135 = Total Interchange Fees for MC World Elite cards in Aug

50 VI-US CPS/Small Ticket transactions
$5,000 in total sales on this type of card.
1.60% + 0.05 cents = Per transactions Interchange Fee for VI-US CPS/Small Ticket cards
$82.50 = Total Interchange Fees for VI-US CPS/Small Ticket cards

Total Aug Fees on these cards = $212.50

As you can see, just changing how many cards of a certain type were accepted caused the Interchange Fees for the month of Aug would be $2.50 higher than in July. Now take this process and repeat it over hundreds of different card types, including debit cards, and you can see why total Interchange Fess and Effective Rates will never be the same.

Average Ticket

This piece of the credit card processing fee pie probably gets the least amount of attention but is vital to understanding your Effective Rate. Simply put, Average Ticket is the average sale price of the items in your business. Here are a few examples:

If you have 1000 credit card transactions in one month, and your total revenue from those sales is $30,000, then your average ticket is $30.

$30,000 / 1000 = $30.00

If you have 500 credit card transactions in one month, and your total revenue from those sales is $50,000, then your average ticket is $100.

$50,000 / 500 = $100

Now that you understand what Average Ticket is, let’s discuss how it effects your Effective Rate

You sell a bottle of wine for $10 and the customer pays for that bottle with their regulated debit card. The regulated debit interchange fee is 0.05% and 0.22 cents (approx. $0.27 cents in total).

This means the interchange fee for this transaction is 0.27%.

$0.27 cents / $10.00 = 0.27%

Let’s change the price of that bottle of wine to $50. The customer still pays for the bottle with their regulated debit card. The regulated debit interchange fee remains 0.05% and 0.22 cents. (approx. $0.47 cents in total).

This means the interchange fee for this transaction is 0.09%.

$0.47 cents / $50.00 = 0.09%

By raising the price of a regulated debit transaction you lower your cost by 0.18%.

All of this is happening before your credit card processor adds a cent to the cost of your transactions. So as you can see, if your average ticket goes up or down in a single month, it can change your effective rate without your credit card processing company changing anything.

Processing Fees

This is the largest piece of the cost of accepting credit cards that you can control. Interchange fees, Card Mix, and Average Ticket all offer some opportunities to limit your credit card processing costs, but who you choose to trust to share in your business profits is up to you. If you look at your processor as an advisor who makes more money when you make more money it will help you choose the right partner instead of the person with the best sales pitch.

Credit Card Processing Fees are all charges above the mandatory Interchange Fees charged by Visa, Mastercard, Discover Card, and America Express. They can come in three different forms, Interchange Plus Pricing, Tiered Pricing, and Fixed Pricing.

Interchange-plus pricing (also called Pass Through or Cost-Plus Pricing), breaks down the charges going to Visa, Master Card, Discover Card and American Express, allowing you to see the markup your Merchant Services Provider is charging you for processing your transaction. This is the most transparent pricing model, but it also makes your statements harder to read. In most cases, that will be a small price to pay, as interchange-plus pricing rates are usually lower overall than tiered rates.

Tiered pricing is, unfortunately, still the most common pricing model available, and the one most processors offer to their merchants. We don’t like it, and won’t offer it. Tiered pricing simplifies a huge number of processing rates into three basic tiers: qualified, mid-qualified, and non-qualified. Which tier a particular transaction will fall into depends on a number of criteria, which are set by the processor. These criteria include things such as card-present versus card-not-present transactions, whether the transaction was processed on the same day it occurred, and which one of a host of possible categories the items purchased fall into. Tiered pricing may seem tempting, because it simplifies a lot of variables into just three tiers, making your monthly statement much easier to decipher. Unfortunately, while the numbers may be easier to understand, they’ll often be a lot higher than you were expecting. Tiered pricing models make it impossible to tell how much of a processing charge is going to the issuing bank, the credit card associations (i.e., Visa, Mastercard, etc.), and how much is going to your Merchant Services Provider. Tiered pricing also leads to a very deceptive marketing gimmick: the provider will advertise the lowest possible (i.e., qualified) rate, but most transactions won’t actually be qualified, and will process at a much higher rate.

Fixed pricing is similar to tiered pricing, but the three tiers are blended together into a single flat rate for all transactions. This rate is, naturally, quite a bit higher than what you’d pay under a tiered plan. However, the lack of a monthly fee can make it more affordable overall for small or seasonal businesses.

Why we feel Interchange Plus Pricing is the best option

While the actual numbers can get pretty complex, at its core interchange-plus pricing is quite simple. The pricing model consists of two elements: an “interchange” and a “plus.” The interchange is the percentage of the transaction that must be paid to both the issuing bank and the credit card association. Because your credit card processor has to pay this charge, they’ll pass it on to you. The plus is the amount over and above the interchange costs that you’ll also have to pay to your processor. It’s their markup for processing your transaction, and it’s designed to cover their costs of doing business – and also to generate a profit.

Interchange-plus pricing is sometimes referred to by alternate names, such as interchange pass through pricing or cost-plus pricing. These different terms all refer to the same thing.

Interchange-plus pricing rates are usually expressed as the interchange rate plus a markup, which can be a percentage, a flat per-transaction fee, or both. An example would be interchange + 0.20% + $0.10 per transaction for a retail transaction.


You own a retail store and have a merchant account with Association Merchant Services (AMS). A customer comes in and purchases an item for $100.00 (including tax). They pay with a Mastercard Consumer credit card. The interchange cost is 1.580% + $0.10, or $1.68. AMS passes this cost on to you, plus a markup of 0.20% + $0.10, or $0.30. Your total cost for taking the credit card is $1.98, or 1.98%.

How Will Interchange-Plus Pricing Save Me Money?

The fundamental flaw with the traditional tiered-pricing model is that it hides the interchange costs and allows processing companies to charge more of a markup. By consolidating a wide variety of rates into a smaller number of tiers, processors can essentially “round up” to the highest rate in each tier. While this may make your monthly statement a lot easier to read, it also means you’ll be paying higher rates for a lot of transactions – and you probably won’t be able to tell which transactions are being charged abnormally high rates.

By showing you the actual interchange costs, interchange-plus pricing allows you to more easily see what the markup is. This in turn encourages processors to set more reasonable markups. The credit card processing industry is highly competitive, and processors know that many merchants will sign up with the company that offers them the lowest rates. This transparency in separating out interchange and markup costs generally results in lower overall rates, and most interchange-plus pricing plans will cost you less money than a tiered-pricing plan. However, you should be aware that there’s nothing stopping a processor from charging you an unreasonably high markup or raising their rates after an initial trial period. The difference is that it will be a lot easier to spot, especially if you shop around or review your statements regularly.


Make no mistake, your credit card processor, like you, needs to make money to survive. Your goal should be to find a processor you trust can give you the right mix of processing cost, equipment fees, and continued service.

Finally, remember what we were all told as kids, “if it sounds too good to be true, it is”. Trust your credit card processor only if they can verify what they promise you.


Accepting credit cards at a business comes with costs. The largest portion of the costs is known as interchange.

Every time you accept a credit card at your business, you pay a fee to a credit card processor. That fee has three parts: interchange, assessments, and processor markup.

Interchange is the largest part, and it goes to the banks that issue cards to customers. It’s also non-negotiable; Visa and Mastercard set the interchange rates for accepting their cards. Additionally, they publish those fee tables, which include dozens of interchange categories. Interchange rates are not secret.

What are interchange fees?

Interchange fees are the costs associated with interchange categories. Every interchange category has specific requirements. If a transaction meets those requirements, it will be charged that category’s interchange fee.

Interchange rates are all over the map. They can range from less than a percent for some debit cards all the way up to 2.95% for downgrade categories.

You can view the published interchange fees here:
  • Visa Interchange Fee
  • Mastercard Interchange Fees

  • Note that Discover and American Express don’t publish their interchange schedules. In fact, American Express doesn’t even call their fees “interchange,” though it’s a similar concept.

    The published interchange tables can be a bit confusing. At CardFellow, we have articles that more clearly explain the various interchange categories, the requirements, and the fees associated.

    for more information visit CardFellow Interchange