Association Merchant Services

Our Mission is to earn the trust of our business partners by listening to what they need and providing the value they demand. We know that trust is earned by setting realistic expectations and working every day to meet or exceed those expectations. If we’ve done our job, the needlessly complicated world of credit card processing becomes something you no longer have to worry about. You will trust that we’ve got you covered and know that we can verify that trust at any time.

Learn Why

Simple. Secure. Affordable Solutions


Affordable solutions that combine performance, reliability and ease of use in compact, feature-rich devices.


Smart, customized point of sale systems that make running your business easier.


Virtual terminals and payment gateways allow you to accept credit cards and other payment types using your PC.


Mobile payments are an increasingly popular way to accept in-person payments because they’re secure, fast, and convenient.

Give clients a friction less payment experience

  • Invoice, contract & payment in one step
  • Accept credit/debit cards & bank transfers
  • Clients can auto-pay
  • Mobile Friendly
Trust, but verify. ~Ronald Reagan

Our Reason Why

The Merchant Services world is filled with banks, card networks and middlemen trying to make more money than they deserve off the hard work of others.

We’re here to help businesses learn how to make sure that doesn’t happen to them

Learn How

Trusted Partners


Annual Transactions

217 Million

Annual Sales

21.5 Billions

Trust but Verify AMS

Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair

Credit card Processing is simple, inexperience and greed make it difficult.

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